UpCodes builds advanced tools and features designed to streamline and optimize the building code research process on top of UpCodes Libraries. These tools - UpCodes Copilot, UpCodes Search, and UpCodes Project - are built to enhance user efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration in navigating and applying building codes. Here is a detailed look at how these tools work and their unique benefits.

UpCodes Copilot

UpCodes Copilot is your AI-powered research assistant, designed to help you understand, interpret, and apply compliance requirements consistently and accurately. It offers several advantages:

  • Research Faster: Copilot goes beyond merely gathering code sections from various publications and chapters. It synthesizes information, providing you with the most relevant sections quickly.

  • Be More Efficient: It helps you catch all relevant code sections, diagrams, assemblies, and products corresponding to your research, ensuring no critical detail is overlooked.

  • Gain Insight: By parsing through massive quantities of codes, diagrams, assemblies, and products, Copilot provides deep insights and connections that might be missed in manual research.

  • Get Smarter: Copilot embodies a truly intelligent and holistic approach to compliance and product research, continually learning and improving to deliver better assistance.

UpCodes Copilot transforms the research process, making it faster, more efficient, and smarter.

UpCodes Search

UpCodes Search is a powerful tool that allows users to cut across adoptions, assemblies, and products to quickly find the specific code section, assembly, or product they need. Its features include:

  • Find Code Sections Relevant to Your Research: Search for code sections across a jurisdiction, code year collection, or code books to find what you need promptly.

  • Surface Assemblies Faster and More Efficiently: You can search for an assembly by describing its characteristics, including titles, descriptions, or keywords, streamlining the search process.

  • Discover the Right Building Products: UpCodes Search helps you find building products that meet your project's performance criteria, with filters by CSI division and manufacturer to narrow down your options.

This tool enhances the search process, making it comprehensive and user-friendly.

UpCodes Projects

UpCodes Projects is designed to structure your research and facilitate efficient collaboration. This tool allows users to:

  • Leverage a Centralized Research Hub: Organize your research around a project's jurisdiction and code year collection. Create templates to standardize and streamline your workflow.

  • Calculate Requirements: Catch errors upstream with validation and error checking, optimizing your process and ensuring compliance.

  • Iterate Through Design Variants: Model the downstream implications of code decisions in similar projects across different jurisdictions or code years, aiding in making informed decisions.

UpCodes Projects provides a robust platform for organizing, validating, and iterating through design and compliance requirements, fostering effective collaboration.

These tools and features are designed to improve all aspects of the building code research process. From AI-powered assistance and comprehensive search capabilities to structured project management and collaboration, these tools empower you to achieve efficiency, accuracy, and insight in your work. 

UpCodes is committed to supporting your journey to success on adoption of a digital-first interface to what has traditionally been a manual process. 

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